Hi! I’m Rebecca, lover of Jesus, my hubby, good hot tea and great conversations! I claim a little town in western North Carolina as my home, but Texas has stolen my country-girl heart. 


Creative Uses: Tea Tins

I talk a lot about tea around here; I consume it by the potful! I’ve been saving my tea tins for the last few years because I’ve seen so many great uses for them on Pinterest. They are too good not to share! 

I hope to find a spot in my new kitchen for tea tin herb planters like these from Mireio Designs… 

I have a secret love for gardening. One day, I hope to step off my back porch in the brisk spring mornings and clip flowers for tea-tin vases!

Here are a few of my own uses for tea tins:

I love keeping my pencils and pens in tea tins - it adds character to any bookshelf or workspace!


Tea tins are also perfect for holding random crafts and collections… I use one to store my small collection of sewing tools… and another for buttons!


Do you save your tea tins? How do you repurpose them?

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